ALANYC works with members, business partners and local organizations on Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives that help to support our community, create social impact, promote inclusion and champion environmental awareness.
ALANYC creates and conducts workplace success training programs for students in NYC colleges. This pipeline initiative will include hands-on mentoring and training sessions designed to provide students with a wealth of information about succeeding in the workplace. The program, entitled the ALANYC C.O.R.E. program (Career Opportunities through Resources & Education), will yield a potential pool of future employees and ALANYC members.
We focus on enhancing cultural awareness and differences that exist in our workforce. ALANYC develops programs throughout the year that improve diversity awareness and promote inclusion both within the chapter and at each of the chapter’s member firms.
Community Services
We select not-for-profit organizations within our local community to be the beneficiaries of our fundraising efforts. The team plans events and fundraisers on behalf of these worthy organizations. The beneficiaries of our fundraisers provide a myriad of services to people in need.
Networking Events
We host social events and luncheon programs throughout the year. Luncheons are designed to facilitate networking among our members and business partners and provide topical programming in a variety of forms including roundtables, panel discussions and guest speakers.
Organizational Affiliations
We focus on building and sustaining alliances with peer organizations and local bar associations to help raise the chapter’s visibility in the legal community and the communities we serve.
Sustainability (Green Initiatives)
ALANYC works to build awareness and interest within the membership about sustainability through it’s GREEN (Great Returns on Environmental Efforts & Notions) Campaign. We look to align with industry specific organizations to help drive the chapter’s sustainability message and initiatives forward through a variety of structured and fun programs and social media, and provide resources on our website.